/ percentage

Percentage Change Calculator - Master Your Math!

Calculating percentages can be a real pain, but don’t worry! We’ve got you covered with our online tool that makes it easy to figure out percent change quickly, whether up or down.

Let’s say you want to calculate the percent increase in a product’s price after a discount. Or,  unfortunately, you want to calculate the percent decrease in your expenses after a budget cut. Hoping it’s the former; we got you covered no matter what.

We’re not just any calculator hub - we’re the calculator mecca dedicated to making your life easier! Calculating percentages can be a real pain, but with our online percentage calculator, you can calculate percentage increases or decreases for any number in milliseconds.

What Is a Percentage Change Calculator?

A percentage change calculator is a calculator or tool that quantifies the change from one number to another and expresses the change as an increase or decrease in percentage terms. It is particularly useful in many aspects of finance, chemistry, and exponential growth and decay, as well as in other areas of mathematics.

For example, if you have two numbers - an initial value and an end value - you can use a percentage change calculator to compute the magnitude of change between these two numbers in percentage terms. This can be useful in several daily applications like finance, sales, tax and inflation rate, chemistry, physics and diverse areas of mathematics.

Formulas to Calculate Percent Change

1. The Formula for Calculating Percentage Increase is as Follows:

Percent increase = [(new value - original value) / original value] x 100

This formula calculates the percentage increase between two values - an original value and a new value. The difference between the two values is divided by the original value and then multiplied by 100 to get the percentage increase.

For example, if you have an original value of 100 and a new value of 150, you can calculate the % increase as follows:

Percent increase = [(150 - 100) / 100] x 100 = 50%

This means that there has been a 50% increase from the original value to the new value.

2. The formula for Calculating Percentage Decrease is as Follows:

Percent decrease = [(original value - new value) / original value] x 100

This formula calculates the percentage decrease between two values - an original value and a new value. The difference between the two values is divided by the original value and then multiplied by 100 to get the percentage decrease.

For example, if you have an original value of 150 and a new value of 100, you can calculate the % decrease as follows:

Percent decrease = [(150 - 100) / 150] x 100 = 33.33%

This means that there has been a 30% decrease from the original value to the new value.

How to Use the Percentage Change Calculator


1. Enter the Initial Value

2. Enter the Final Value

3. Get the Results

That's all! Once you have entered both values, the calculator will instantly display the absolute difference and percent difference between the two values.

If the percentage change is positive, it means the final value is larger than the initial value. If the percentage change is negative, it means the final value is smaller than the initial value.

Benefits of Using a Percent Change Calculator

Using this online calculator to calculate any percent off, percent change, or even percent error, has many benefits:

  1. Accuracy: Online calculators can help you avoid manual work eliminating any errors that might occur in the manual process.
  2. Speed: It can help you calculate percentages and percent changes faster than manually, using a pocket calculator or pen and paper.
  3. Ease of use: This percentage calculator is easy to use and intuitive.
  4. Convenience: You can use it from anywhere, at any time - mobile, tablet or desktop, at home, at the office, or on the way it’s always handy.
  5. Variety: Since we are a calculator hub that features a wide variety of calculators for any need, you can choose the one that best suits your needs.
  6. Free: Oh yes, while you might be seeking answers to many cost-related concerns, the tool is completely free.
  7. Additional features: Stay tuned for our additional features: suggestions, presets, graphs and charts that can help you visualize your data are coming soon.


Here are ten frequently asked questions and answers people ask when looking for an online % change calculator:

  1. What is a percentage change calculator?
    A percent change calculator is a tool that helps you calculate the percentage increase or decrease between two numbers.
  2. How do I use a percentage change calculator?
    To use a percentage change calculator, you simply enter the starting value and the ending value, and the calculator will automatically calculate the % change for you.
  3. What is a percent increase?
    A percent increase is the amount by which something has increased relative to its original value, expressed as a percentage.
    Example: If the price of something changes from $100 to $110, the percent increase is 10%.
  4. What is a percent decrease?
    A percent decrease is the amount by which something has decreased relative to its original value, expressed as a percentage.
    Example: If the price of something changes from $100 to $90, the percent decrease is 10%.
  5. How do I calculate percent change?
    To calculate percent change, you need to take the difference between the starting value and the final value, divide it by the absolute value of the starting value, and multiply by 100.
  6. What is a percent error?
    A percent error is a measure of how inaccurate a measurement or calculation is, expressed as a percentage of the actual or expected value.
  7. How do I calculate the percent of total?
    To calculate the percent of the total, you need to divide one part by the whole and multiply by 100.


Let's play a game of "Guess the Popular Percentage Increases and Decreases!" Ready? Here are some of the most popular percentage increases people need to calculate: 

  • salary boosts
  • interest hikes
  • inflation spikes
  • stock surges
  • sales tax jumps

But that's not all - there are tons of other scenarios where you might need to calculate a percentage increase!

Now let's see if you can guess the most common percentage decreases people calculate:

  • salary cuts
  • discounts (hello, shopping sprees!)
  • inflation drops (do you remember one?)
  • stock slumps

Don't worry if you don't get them all - there are plenty of other situations where calculating percentage decreases comes in handy.

Happy calculating!