conversion / volume

cc to fl oz Calculator: Easily Convert Cubic Centimeters to Fluid Ounces 😎

Welcome to our online calculator that converts cubic centimeters (cc) to fluid ounces (fl oz)! If you're wondering what these units mean and why you might need to convert between them, let us give you a brief explanation.

Cubic centimeters, also known as milliliters (ml), are a metric unit of volume commonly used in scientific and medical fields. On the other hand, fluid ounces are a measurement of volume used in the United States and some other countries that use the imperial system.

There are many situations in which you might need to convert between cc and fl oz. For example, if you're a cook or a bartender, you might need to convert a recipe that calls for ingredients in cc to fl oz. Alternatively, if you're buying products from overseas, you might need to convert the volume from cc to fl oz in order to better understand the size of the product.

Before we begin, it's important to note that there are different types of ounces. The fluid ounce (fl oz) is a unit of volume used to measure liquids, while the ounce (oz) is a unit of weight used to measure dry goods like flour and sugar. Our calculator converts cubic centimeters (cc), which is equivalent to milliliters (ml), to fluid ounces (fl oz). This means that if you need to convert a volume of liquid from cc to fl oz, our calculator will give you the accurate answer.

How to Convert cc to fl oz with Our Calculator

Using our cc to fl oz calculator is easy! Simply follow these steps:

  1. Enter the volume in cubic centimeters (cc) that you want to convert to fluid ounces (fl oz) in the input field.
  2. The calculator will automatically display the converted volume in fluid ounces.
  3. If you want to start over and enter a new value, simply click the "reset" button to clear the input field and start again.
  4. If you need to convert from fl oz to cc, simply input the ounces first, and instantly you’ll get the cubic centimeters.
  5. You can also use our calculator to convert other units of volume by selecting them in the drop-down menus labeled "Convert from" and "Convert to." Just make sure that you're converting between two units of volume, not weight!
  6. If you want to lock a field, simply click the lock icon next to the input field. This will prevent that field from being changed while still allowing you to enter a value in the other field.

💡 cc to fl oz Formula & Some Examples!

Are you curious about how our calculator converts cubic centimeters (cc) to fluid ounces (fl oz)? Here's the formula we use:

fl oz = cc / 29.5735296

This formula is based on the conversion factor between the two units of volume. Now, let's try a fun example! Did you know that a teaspoon holds about 5 cc of liquid? So if you need to convert 15 cc of liquid to fl oz, simply divide 15 by 29.5735296 to get 0.507 fl oz.

To make things even easier, we've compiled a handy table with some of the most common numbers of cubic centimeters people need to convert to fluid ounces:

Cubic Centimeters Fluid Ounces
5 0.169
15 0.507
30 1.014
50 1.691
100 3.381
250 8.454
500 16.907
1000 33.814

This table can be a useful reference when you're cooking, mixing drinks, or working with any other liquid that requires precise measurements.

cc to fl oz Calculator FAQs

  1. How do I know if I need to convert cc to fl oz?
    If you're working with a recipe or formula that requires precise measurements, you might need to convert cc to fl oz. This is especially common in cooking and mixology but can also come in handy in scientific experiments or DIY projects.
  2. What is the difference between cc and ml?
    Actually, there is no difference! CC stands for cubic centimeter, while ml stands for milliliter. They both represent the same unit of volume, so you can use them interchangeably.
  3. Can I use your calculator to convert other units besides cc and fl oz?
    Yes, you can! Our calculator allows you to convert between any two units of volume, not just cc and fl oz. Just select the units you want to convert from and to in the drop-down menus, and you're all set.
  4. Can I use your calculator to convert weight measurements?
    No, our calculator only works with volume measurements, not weight. If you need to convert between weight units, you'll need to use different calculators on our website.
  5. How accurate is your calculator?
    Our calculator uses a conversion factor that is accurate to within a few decimal places. However, keep in mind that the accuracy of your conversion will also depend on the accuracy of your input measurement.
  6. What's the easiest way to remember the conversion factor between cc and fl oz?
    The easiest way is to remember that 1 fl oz is approximately equal to 30 cc. That way, you can easily estimate conversions without even needing a calculator!
  7. Can I lock one of the fields in the calculator so that I can only change the other one?
    Yes, you can! Just click on the lock icon next to the input field you want to lock. This will prevent that field from being changed while still allowing you to play with values and units in the other field.
  8. What's the difference between a fluid ounce and a dry ounce?
    A fluid ounce is a unit of volume used to measure liquids, while a dry ounce is a unit of weight used to measure dry goods like flour and sugar. Make sure you're converting between the correct type of ounce when using our calculator!


We hope our CC to Fl Oz Calculator has been helpful and insightful for you!

Thanks for using our calculator, and happy converting! 😉