conversion / weight

ml to Grams Calculator - Simplify Your Cooking!

Welcome to our mL to Grams conversion page - the perfect solution for anyone who wants to simplify their life! Whether you're a passionate home cook or running a business, our online calculator makes converting milliliters (ml) to grams (g) an easy task. By providing quick and accurate results, our calculator ensures that you can effortlessly convert any liquid or ingredient. You can use it to scale recipes up or down, ensure consistency in your cooking, or even manage inventory for your business. Our calculator is not only useful in the kitchen but also for anyone who needs to convert ml to grams on a regular basis.

From ml to Grams - A Step-by-Step Guide

Our ml-to-Grams calculator is very intuitive. With just a few clicks, you can quickly convert cooking liquids like water, milk, honey, olive oil, cooking oil, and salt water from volume to weight.

Step 1: Select the liquid

To get started, simply select the type of liquid you want to measure from the drop-down menu.

Step 2: Enter the volume

Once you have selected the liquid, you can choose the unit of volume you want to use. Our calculator supports milliliters, hectoliters, or liters, with milliliters being the default option.

Step 3: Get the result!

You will instantly see the weight of the liquid in grams based on the volume you have entered. However, if you prefer a different unit of measurement, you can simply choose it, and our calculator will convert the weight for you.

Additionally, our versatile mL to Grams calculator can also convert from grams to ml or kilograms to milliliters with the same ease. All you need to do is enter first the weight in grams or kilograms, and the calculator will return the volume in milliliters, hectoliters, or liters based on your preference. This feature can come in handy when you have a recipe that lists ingredients by weight instead of volume or when you need to measure a certain amount of liquid but only have a kitchen scale on hand.

ml to g Formula & Examples

The formula for converting liquids from ml to grams is:

Weight (g) = Volume (ml) x Density (g/ml)

But, when using this specific calculator, you don't have to worry about densities. We already preset basic kitchen ingredients and their densities.

However, keep in mind that the density of a liquid can vary depending on its temperature, pressure, and other factors. Still, for most liquids, the density is relatively constant at room temperature.

Below is a list with the most common liquids in the kitchen and their respective densities:

  • Water: 1 g/ml
  • Milk: 1.03 g/ml
  • Honey: 1.36 g/ml
  • Olive oil: 0.92 g/ml
  • Butter: 0.91 g/ml
  • Saltwater: 1.03 g/ml
  • Cooking oil: 0.92 g/ml

Measure Up: Handy Conversion Table for ml to Grams

Below is a curated list of the most common liquids used in the kitchen that oftentimes call for weight to volume conversions:

Liquid Volume (ml) Weight (g)
Water 100 100
Milk 100 103
Honey 100 136
Olive oil 100 92
Butter 100 91
Saltwater 100 103
Cooking oil 100 92
Vinegar 100 105
Soy sauce 100 128
Maple syrup 100 128

Note: The weights listed in this table are based on the densities of these liquids at room temperature. The actual weight may vary slightly depending on the temperature, pressure, and other factors.

Looking for a handy tool to convert alcohol from bottles or ml to grams of pure alcohol or standard drinks? Check our liquor bottle sizes calculator

Grams to ml Formula

To convert grams to milliliters, use this formula:

Volume (mL) = Mass (g) ÷ Density (g/mL)

ml to Grams FAQs

  1. What types of liquids can I convert from milliliters to grams using this calculator?
    Our calculator can convert a wide range of liquids, including water, milk, honey, olive oil, butter, saltwater, cooking oil, and other oils.
  2. Is the weight of a liquid always the same for a given volume?
    No, the weight of a liquid can vary depending on its density. For example, honey is denser than water, so 100 ml of honey weighs more than 100 ml of water.
  3. How accurately does this calculator provide the volume-to-weight conversion?
    The accuracy of any conversion depends on the accuracy of the density values used in the calculation. As we mentioned, we used the densities for these liquids at room temperature. So, the closer to the room temperature your liquids are, the more accurate the conversion is.
  4. Can I use this calculator to convert other units of measurement, such as ounces or cups?
    No, this calculator only converts milliliters to grams. However, you can use our ounces to cups or cups to ounces calculators to convert other units of measurement. Feel free to browse our collections or search for the right calculator for your needs!
  5. How can I use the information in the conversion table provided on this page?
    The conversion table provides a quick reference guide for commonly used liquids. You can use this table to determine the weight of a liquid for a given volume without having to use the calculator.


And there you have it - with our ML to Grams conversion calculator, converting liquid volumes has never been easier! And don't forget, you can also convert from grams to ml with the same tool! Just enter the weight of the liquid, choose the liquid type, and select the desired volume unit. Our calculator will do the rest for you in a flash.

So why waste time with complicated conversion formulas and manual calculations? Our calculator is quick, accurate, and free to use, making it the perfect tool for anyone who wants to save time and hassle in the kitchen or laboratory!