What is 1/6 as a percent?
What is 1/6 simplified?
What is 1/6 as a percentage?
What is 1/6 as a mixed number?
What is 1/6 as a percentage?
Hello, young mathematicians! Let's dive into the captivating world of fractions and percentages. Get ready through the methods for converting 1/6 into a percentage with us!
Answer: 1/6 as a percentage is 16.667…%
When you have a fraction like 1/6, it means you have 1 parts out of a total of 6 parts. To express this fraction as a percentage, you're comparing it to a whole of 100 parts. So, you're calculating how many out of those 100 parts your fraction represents.
In the case of 1/6, when you convert it to an equivalent fraction with a denominator of 100, you get 16.667…%.
There are many methods you can apply, and they allow you to convert fractions to percentages, helping you relate fractions to the concept of parts out of 100.
Method 1: Using Equivalent Fractions
Step 1:
Write down the fraction: 1/6
Step 2:
Create an equivalent fraction with a denominator of 100. To do this, determine what number you need to multiply the 6 by to reach 100. In this case, you'd need to multiply both the numerator and denominator by 166.66666666666666.
Step 3:
The numerator of the equivalent fraction represents the part out of 100, so the percentage is 16.667…%.
So, 1/6 as a percentage is 16.667…%.
Method 2: Divide and Multiply by 100
Step 1:
Write down the fraction: 1/6
Step 2:
Divide the numerator by the denominator: 1 ÷ 6 = 16.667…%
Step 3:
Multiply the result by 100 to express it as a percentage: 16.667…% * 100 = 16.667…%
Again, you get the same result: 1/6 as a percentage is 16.667…%.
Method 3: Fraction to Decimal to Percentage
Step 1:
Write down the fraction: 1/6
Step 2:
Convert the fraction to a decimal using division: 1 ÷ 6 = 16.667…%
Step 3:
Convert the decimal to a percentage by multiplying it by 100: 16.667…% * 100 = 16.667…%
Each method confirms that 1/6 as a percentage is 16.667…%.
Remember, practice makes perfect! The more you work with these conversions, the more comfortable you'll become with the process.
Common Core State Standards
Grade 7
Ratios and Proportional Relationships (7.RP)