conversion / weight

kg to Stones Calculator: Easy Conversions For Fitness, Travel & More

Welcome to our online calculator that converts kilograms to stones! We know what you're thinking - "Stones? Really? Who measures weight in stones anymore?" But hear us out - stones have been used as a unit of measurement for centuries, and they still have their uses today!

In fact, stones were first used by ancient civilizations like the Greeks and Romans, who used them to measure everything from grains to precious metals. Over time, stones became a popular unit of measurement for larger objects, such as building materials and livestock. Today, stones are still commonly used in the UK and some other countries, especially in the world of fitness.

So why might you need to convert kilograms to stones? Here are just a few examples:

  • Fitness enthusiasts: If you're tracking your weight loss or muscle gain progress, you might prefer to use stones instead of kilograms or pounds.
  • Medical professionals: In some countries, doctors and nurses use stones to measure the weight of newborns, as it can be a more accurate measure than kilograms or pounds.
  • Travelers: If you're traveling to a country that uses stones as a unit of measurement, you might need to convert your weight from kilograms to stones to get a better understanding of local customs.
  • Pharmacists: Some medications are dosed based on weight in stones, so pharmacists may need to convert a patient's weight from kilograms to stones to determine the correct dosage.

And let's face it - who doesn't want to know how much they weigh in stones? It's a fun and quirky way to measure your weight, and we're here to make it easy for you with our online calculator. So go ahead, give it a try - we promise we won't judge you if you prefer stones to kilograms or pounds!

How to Use the Calculator

Step 1:

First things first, decide which conversion you want to do: kilograms to stones or stones to kilograms. This will determine which box you enter your number into.

Step 2:

Once you've decided on your conversion, simply enter the weight you want to convert into the appropriate box. You don't even need to click anything - the conversion will happen automatically!

Step 3:

Congratulations, you now have your weight converted to the other unit! If you want to try another conversion, simply click the "Reset" button and start over.

Enjoy your newfound knowledge of your weight in stones or kilograms! Who knows, you might even start using stones as your go-to unit of measurement. After all, it's a fun and unique way to measure your weight.

From Kilograms to Stones: The Quirky Conversion Formula You Never Knew You Needed

Converting kilograms to stones can be a bit confusing, but our calculator makes it easy for you! Here's the formula we use to do the conversion:

1 kilogram = 0.157473 stones

So, for example, if you weigh 70 kilograms, you can convert that to stones by multiplying 70 by 0.157473. The result is 11.02311 stones (rounded to the nearest hundredth).

Now, let's take a look at some common conversions from kilograms to stones:

50 kg = 7.87 stones

60 kg = 9.45 stones

70 kg = 11.02 stones

80 kg = 12.60 stones

90 kg = 14.17 stones

100 kg = 15.75 stones

Of course, these are just a few examples - our calculator can convert any weight from kilograms to stones instantly and accurately. Plus, our calculator also allows you to convert stones to kilograms, which can be useful if you're traveling to a country that uses kilograms as the standard unit of measurement.

Stone-cold Facts: Your Burning Questions About Converting Kilograms to Stones, Answered

  1. What's the most common conversion people search for when using your calculator?
    We've found that 70 kg to stones is one of the most popular conversions on our site, followed closely by 60 kg to stones and 80 kg to stones.
  2. Why do some people still use stones as a unit of measurement?
    Stones are an old-fashioned way of measuring weight that originated in Great Britain. Despite the rise of the metric system, stones are still used in some parts of the world - particularly in the United Kingdom.
  3. How much is one stone equal to in pounds?
    One stone is equal to 14 pounds. So, if you weigh 11 stones (aka 70 kg) and want to convert it from stones to pounds or kg to pounds, that's approximately 154 pounds.
  4. What's the heaviest weight that can be measured in stones?
    The stone unit of measurement is typically used for measuring human body weight, so it's not typically used for extremely heavy objects. However, technically speaking, there's no limit to how heavy something can be in stones.
  5. Are there any other units of measurement similar to stones?
    Yes - in some countries, weight is measured in "talents" or "kantars," which are similar to stones in that they are units of weight that are larger than pounds but smaller than tons.
  6. Can your calculator convert fractional kilograms to stones?
    Absolutely! Our calculator can convert any weight from kilograms to stones, even if it includes decimal points.
  7. Can stones be used to measure things other than weight?
    Technically, yes - stones have been used historically to measure things like coal and other heavy materials. However, this is less common today.
  8. How do stones compare to other units of measurement, like pounds or kilograms?
    Stones are a bit larger than pounds and smaller than kilograms. For example, one stone is equal to 6.35 kilograms, or 14 pounds.
  9. Are there any quirky facts about stones that most people don't know?
    Actually, yes! Did you know that the "stone" as a unit of measurement has been around since ancient times? It's believed that the ancient Egyptians used stones to measure weight. Additionally, some historians believe that the term "stone" may have originated as a reference to stones used as weights in trade.
  10. How accurate is your calculator for converting kilograms to stones?
    Our calculator is extremely accurate - we use the standard conversion formula of 1 kilogram = 0.157473 stones to ensure that all of our conversions are as precise as possible.


We hope you've enjoyed learning a bit more about stones and how they're used to measure weight. If you have any questions or feedback about our calculator, please don't hesitate to get in touch - we'd love to hear from you.

And remember, whether you're measuring your weight in stones, kilograms, or pounds, the most important thing is to be healthy and happy. 

So keep striving towards your goals, stay curious, and have fun along the way!