conversion / volume

cc to mL to L Calculator: Easy Volume Conversions

Did you know that cc and ml are actually equal measurements?

That's right, folks! 1 cc is equal to 1 ml. Both of these measurements report to the liter, which makes it super easy to convert between the two.

Here are a few situations where you might find yourself needing to convert cc to ml (and vice versa):

  • Cooking: Are you a foodie looking to whip up some delicious recipes in the kitchen? You might come across measurements that require you to convert cc to ml.
  • Medical: Aspiring doctors and nurses, listen up! Medical professionals often need to convert cc to ml when administering medication to patients.
  • Scientific research: Are you a researcher studying the mysteries of the universe? Well, maybe not the whole universe, but you might find yourself needing to convert cc to ml for lab work. Our calculator can help you out!
  • Fuel and automotive: If you're an automotive enthusiast, you might be interested in knowing how much fuel your car can hold.

And so much more! Who knows, maybe you'll find yourself needing to convert cc to ml for something completely unexpected.

Convert with Ease: How to Use Our cc to mL to L Calculator

Step 1: Enter Your cc Measurement

Simply type in the number of cubic centimeters you want to convert in the designated box.

Step 2: Get Your Results

Boom! Our calculator will instantly display the corresponding milliliters and liters measurements. No need to click any buttons or wait for a page to load. Our calculator is lightning-fast!

Step 3: Try Another Conversion

Want to convert another measurement? No problem! Just hit the reset button and start again. You can also do the opposite conversion, ml to cc, by entering milliliters or liters and getting the corresponding cubic centimeters measurement.

Step 4: Explore Other Volume Conversions

Our calculator doesn't stop at cc to ml to L. You can also select other volume units from the drop-down menu or check our related calculators to convert gallons to kg, teaspoons to ml, and more!

cc to mL Formula

Are you feeling a little confused about the whole cc to ml to l thing? Don't worry, you're not alone! Here's the formula we use to convert cc to ml to l:

1 cc = 1 ml

1000 ml = 1 L

cc to mL to L FAQs & Fun Facts!

  1. What is a cubic centimeter (cc)?
    A cubic centimeter, or cc, is a unit of measurement used for volume. It's equivalent to 1 milliliter (ml), or approximately 0.061 cubic inches.
  2. What is a milliliter (ml)?
    A milliliter, or ml, is also a unit of measurement used for volume. It's equivalent to 1 cubic centimeter (cc), or approximately 0.034 fluid ounces.
  3. What is a liter (L)?
    A liter, or L, is a unit of measurement used for volume that's larger than a milliliter or cubic centimeter. One liter is equal to 1000 milliliters or 1000 cubic centimeters.
  4. What are some common uses for cc to ml to L conversions?
    CC to ml to L conversions are commonly used in fields such as cooking, medicine, science, and automotive engineering.
  5. What are some other units of volume that can be converted with our calculator?
    In addition to cc, ml, and L, our calculator can also convert between gallons, spoons, and fluid ounces.
  6. Why is cc often used in medical settings?
    CC is often used in medical settings because it's a more precise unit of measurement than milliliters. This precision is important when administering medication to patients.
  7. What's a fun fact about cc and ml?
    One fun fact is that the cc and ml are actually equivalent measurements - 1 cc is equal to 1 ml! So you can use them interchangeably.
  8. What's a fun fact about liters?
    One fun fact is that the word "liter" comes from the French word "litron," which means "a measure of capacity."


Congratulations! You're now an expert at converting cc to ml to l. So go ahead, keep converting with ease, and impress your friends with your newfound knowledge of cc, ml, and liters. And remember, if you ever need to convert any other units of volume, our calculator is here to help!

Happy volume converting!